I kept making the choice to look at how far I needed to go before I *made it* instead of realizing that I had already arrived in my life.

That my life IS happening *now* and me fully expressing myself – my creativity my heart my oooey gooey truest self – was possible and actually REQUIRED if I wanted to honestly know what real living is.

It’s not about me arriving at a place where I can’t fuck up before I try.

It’s not about me knowing what this or that person knows before I speak up.

It’s not about me feeling like I deserve a seat in the big chair before I sit my ass in it.

It’s not about me being ready before I jump.

It’s about my full participation *right now* because I am invited to participate. How do I know I’m invited? BECAUSE I’M FUCKING HERE AREN’T I 



I get to choose to exist small or live big. Regardless of which I choose, no doubt I have already arrived.

Monie Thots 

The one where you are now watching the throne